GO! Bags Project

For most people, the idea of losing all our earthly possessions is unthinkable! But for many people, this has been their reality. A spark from an electrical item, hearing the shouts and screams of a neighbor warning us of danger – grabbing a child or a loved one and within minutes – everything is engulfed in flames!
There have been many that this has happened to, some while they are at work or the children are at school. Many just going about their daily life while disaster strikes at home. In an informal settlement a fire can spread to 20 homes within 5 minutes!
More recently, during the winter floods of 2023, the Western Cape experienced widespread flooding and many homes were completely flooded. Imagine waking up on a cold Winter’s day to a soaked mattress, water soaking your clothes and not being able to cook because your food is wet and damaged.
While there is much that we are unable to replace, we CAN come alongside families to make sure they have food, a warm blanket and some clothing as they navigate starting again. This is where Buckets of Hope (and our amazing supporters) come in.
Buckets of Hope is a partnership between Village Action Network NPC, Olympians Social Development Club and Hospice Timeless Wonder Shop. We aim to have a unified, consistent, and prepared response to WHEN disaster strikes! As such, our goal is to keep 50 x 25 litre buckets filled and ready as well as 200 blankets in reserve to be able to respond within the first 24 hours of a fire or flood.
The items in the bucket are food staples that are enough to assist a family of approximately 4 people for 3-5 days after the fire with the basic items needed. The bucket with lid is then also useful for carrying water, cleaning and storage. In the event of a single severe fire, this could mean that all buckets are used in a single incident.
We have also recently added a bag of dog/cat food because when the family suffers, the pets suffer too!
A blanket per person or couple is part of the Bucket of Hope.
Finally, due to the generosity of Timeless Wonder Hospice Shop, Wellington Road, Durbanville, a clothing voucher is issued. We belief in giving dignity to the victims by allowing them to choose their own clothing in the aftermath of their personal disaster.

- Donate items on the food list ✓
- Donate Blankets ✓
- Donate Pet food
- Financial support ✓
- Share and encourage others to support. This is an ongoing project

• White Sugar 1kg
• Rice 1kg
• Salt 500g
• Flour 1kg
• Instant Dry Yeast 10g
• Instant Coffee 100g
• Teabags 26s
• Soya Mince 500g
• Mixed Vegetables in Brine Pilchards in Tomato Sauce
• Peanut Butter Smooth 400g
• Tomato And Onion Mix 410g
• Pasta 500g
• Cooking Oil 750ml
• Dry Soup Mix 500g
Apricot Jam 450g
• Maize Meal 1kg
- 2 kg Dry cat or dog food
- a bar of soap
• Spice BBQ 200g

Greater Durbanville Disaster Response
Fires & Floods Only
- From community, SAPS or NGO’s
Verification done by community leaders – NOTIFY Disaster Response.
- Disaster Response goes on-site and gathers who, where and how many are effected.
DRM send email confirmation within 24 hours. Including names and ID numbers.
- Local ward councilor and community leaders to hand over Buckets of Hope with clothing vouchers for victims.
Contact Wendy (076 256 5506) or Janessa (084 368 3883)