jane goodall quote
the starfish story

We believe that education is key to breaking generational cycles of poverty. Our goal is to alleviate poverty through education.

There is a devastating drop-out rate in the South African education system. According to the UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Education Fund), about 250 000 school-going children drop out of school every year. This figure tripled to 750 000 during the COVID-19 pandemic

education in the community
community education

There are many children who fall through the cracks. Sometimes they don’t get signed up for high school, perhaps a young girl falls pregnant and has a baby but then wants to complete her schooling to be able to provide a better life for her and her child. Or a child has a learning disability and cannot manage mainstream school. Because of the challenges and lack of support they stop attending school. There are many reasons high school is not completed. Challenges at home with parents who abuse substances, family who don’t support the learners, the list continues.

There are many children who fall through the cracks. Sometimes they don’t get signed up for high school, perhaps a young girl falls pregnant and has a baby but then wants to complete her schooling to be able to provide a better life for her and her child. Or a child has a learning disability and cannot manage mainstream school. Because of the challenges and lack of support they stop attending school. There are many reasons high school is not completed. Challenges at home with parents who abuse substances, family who don’t support the learners, the list continues.

community education

According to a recent study on homelessness – 67% of people living on the streets failed to complete their high school education. One only has to drive through certain communities to see the young men and women sitting on the street corners at all hours of the day. Hopelessness stops people trying, and so cycles of poverty and abuse continue.

greenville soup kitchen
alletta's soup kitchen

BUT for every child that we can assist to stay in school – we can change their future! And by helping one child at a time, we can change our area and then our country! Throughout 2022 we have been able to help a small group of young people go from hopelessness to hope by providing access to meaningful education.

BUT for every child that we can assist to stay in school – we can change their future! And by helping one child at a time, we can change our area and then our country! Throughout 2022 we have been able to help a small group of young people go from hopelessness to hope by providing access to meaningful education.

alletta's soup kitchen


Through the process of assisting pupils who wanted to complete their high school diplomas, the need for an EDUCATION FUND has been highlighted for the Durbanville area. We are in the process of starting this as a trust which will have businesspeople, educators, and Non-Profits on the trust to make sure the help is as effective as possible.

Education changes generations. To break the cycle of poverty, we need to bring quality education to the youth.

In April 2022 we assisted a boy with a traumatic brain injury after being struck by a motor vehicle. After returning to his family, he was unable to go back into mainstream schooling. To help him we liaised with a social worker to get him into a school for the disabled. With help to get him school ready and by assisting his mom with paperwork and intake – he is now thriving in his new school.

A young lady who fell pregnant and had a baby in Grade 10 and wanted to study further. We assisted her to attend a 5-week course focused on growing in her personal identity and then found a placement with Fisantekraal Centre for development (FCD) for her to attend a Carers course. Upon completion she was able to find work and begin supporting her child.

A young teen had not been signed up for high school and desperately wanted to complete his schooling. We managed to get a placement with a local cottage school where he is completed his GED qualification. Also assisted him to get his ID so that he can write his exams.

By engaging with local government, schools, and other non-profits we aim to bring together and unite the resources that already exist.  No one group or person is able to meet all the needs of our diverse communities. However together we form a local village where we can partner with, encourage, and uplift one another to provide groundbreaking and innovative solutions to complex issues that we all face in one form or another.


· Financial support for our education fund. This will go towards paying tuition, school fees, books and transport.

· Training for volunteers who provide an after-school service. They help children with homework and reading.

· Resources for after school programmes. Many children have no where to go after school and end out being harmed while they play on the streets or fall in with people who don’t have their best interests at heart. Books, reading materials, tutoring and training for those who bring children into their homes to help them with no financial rewards for themselves. We try to assist where possible

· If you know of a child who is not in school and should be – please reach out to us and we will try to assist. By law, in South Africa, every child between the ages of 7 and 15 must attend school.