Star Fish Fund

Aaaand Action!

The Importance of HOPE
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all”
Emily Dickinson
Hope and its counterpart, hopelessness, is no respecter of age, race or position in society. It is something we don’t always acknowledge and don’t always talk about. But without hope, just doing even the little things in life, becomes a daily mountain to climb. When people lose hope they stop trying.
This is something seen so visibly in communities where poverty and addiction are rife. Why bother going to school if I still won’t be able to get a job. Why not hang out with my “Tchommies” who make me feel good (even if it’s only some of the time) is a chorus we often hear.
Hope – however, is the whisper that says “Maybe this will make the difference, try again, just put one foot in front of the other – change IS possible!”
So my message today is not to underestimate the power YOU have to bring hope to others. It could be as simple as a smile or a small act of kindness. We don’t know the struggles those around us are always facing, and we can’t control all that happens around us. We can, however, control ourselves and CHOOSE how we want to respond. Going forward, choose to release kindness and release hope!
If you want to go one step further consider the following:
Many people I chat with want to help others but get stuck on either the vastness of the problems (what difference will my little bit do) and where to begin (once again there are so many places and people who need help).
I can personally relate to both of those emotions, having struggled with them myself. Here’s some of what I have learned in the last 3 years:
Do what you enjoy or are passionate about. If you relate to orphaned and vulnerable children – start there. If you have a heart for the drug addict or education or music – start there. Start with the hope and the belief that something you can do, can make a difference! Be intentional, it all starts with a “yes” and with Hope!
There is nothing too small and it’s never too late. Even something as small as sharing social media posts can help make a difference. How cool is that? The point is no matter how small your good deed it can still make a difference.